Your Turn "Thailand needs this kind of explaining"
Gary Flowers: "article is as close as I've been to returning [to Thailand]"
Paolo from Italy: common Italians have a negative opinion of Thailand


November 13, 1997

After reading your page and your impression about this stupendous country and its people, I am very happy to see that others think like me. I resided in Thailand for three years and now I am in love with a Thai woman, but this love is impossible because in my country, Italy, the common people, such as my parents, have a negative opinion of Thailand and its people. I want to thank you because I can now share what you have written with them to help them understand how I feel. I hope that my life and soul will be a bit more Thai in the future.




November 26, 1996

"I spent a year in Thailand with the U.S. Air Force at Nakon Phanom and Korat in 1972 where I developed a love for the people. I went back in 1982 to Mae Sot to visit the Karen people in Thailand and across the border (it was closed then too and there was no bridge) to spend a week with the Karen people. Your article is as close as I've been to returning to those gentle people of Kaw Tho Lei who have been fighting a war for independence from the Burmese for some 45 years.
Thank you."




November 1, 1996

"I found your site to be clear and informative. Thailand needs this kind of explaining. You have given me inspiration. I have been to almost 60% of the globe many times."




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