Cultural Survey

The links below are grouped alphabetically by nationality or some similar cultural designation as we may have saw best fit when a categorization was not clearly definable. The comments are responses to our survey form and are the individual author's own and have not been edited for content though the comments may have been edited for grammar or spelling errors. Please feel free to comment.

African American | American: Suburban, Lower-Middleclass, 20-something | Americans (1 of 2) | Americans (2 of 2) | Christian Americans | U.S. Military, 1954-1975 | America (4) | American South | Australia (1 of 2) | Australia (2 of 2) | Blacks in America; Blacks Dating Japanese | Byelorussia | Canada | Chinese | Creole | Hawaiian Sovereignty | Homosexuality | India: Colonialism & Population | Islam & the Tudung | Japanese and World War II | Jews in Latin America | Judaism | Koreans & Christianity | Koreans | Malay Custom | Muslim, Kelantan, Malay | Maori Art | The Pilipino | Philippines (2) | Spanish, Filipino and Indian Heritage | Athiest Filipino Nationalist | Catholic, Scottish Highlander; Scotland and Canada | Singapore | Thailand | Vietnam | Ukranian Russian; Odessa | West Indian

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